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3 Tips For Your Child's Pediatric Dental Care

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In order to set your child on the right track toward dental health, you owe it to yourself as the parent to keep a mindful eye toward their oral health development and pediatric care. With this in mind, new parents should consider some core guidelines in order to understand how to protect newly sprouted teeth. Take advantage of these three points below and use them to the best of your ability and for the health of your young child. 

Tip #1: Make Teething Easier On Your Baby

One of the most irritable time periods during a child's development is when they begin teething. You will notice your young baby become fussy and appear as if they have a problem with their mouth. In order to counteract the pain and discomfort associated with teething, you can purchase chilled teething rings to use for your baby. This will allow them to find relief and also ease swelling, pressure and pain. One of the benefits of visiting a pediatric dentist is that they can let you know whether to use over-the-counter medicines or another method. Make sure that you wipe your young baby's mouth and gums clean after each and every time they nurse or eat.

Tip #2: Learn About The Development Of Your Child's Teeth

As a parent, you should become familiar with the spouting and shedding cycle of your children's teeth. For instance, your child's central incisors begin to sprout from six months to a year old and shed when they are six or seven years old. Lateral incisors sprout between nine months and 16 months and shed when your child is seven or eight years old. Cuspids sprout between 16 months and 23 months and shed at between nine years old and 12 years old. First and second molars sprout once a child is between one and three years old and shed when they are between 10 and 12 years old. Stay on top of these changes to understand their development.

Tip #3: Find A Quality Pediatric Dentist

The most important part of keeping up with your child's dentistry is to find a pediatric dentist that is knowledgable and that your child is comfortable with. You should take your child to the pediatric dentist once they turn 1 or if they have begun to sprout a tooth. This way, your child will get the care and expertise of oral health professionals trained to look after them. 

Keep these three tips in mind so that your child's oral health remains positive. 
