Dental Bridge Options Available For You When You Have Missing Teeth
You may have lost one or two teeth due to extractions or because of an accident. Missing teeth makes it almost impossible for you to chew food properly, and this affects your nutrition needs. You can undergo a dental bridge procedure. Your dentist will create a dental bridge that's attached to one of the remaining teeth on either side of the empty space. These teeth are later referred to as abutment teeth. There are different types of dental bridges, and your dentist will discuss which one is best suited for your dental needs.
A Traditional Fixed Bridge
If your dentist suggests a fixed bridge for your replacement needs, pontic or false teeth will be created. Two crowns will be fitted to two natural teeth that are on opposite sides of the gap so that replacement teeth can be attached to the crowns.
Your dentist will strip away some of the enamel from the anchor teeth so that the false teeth can be attached to the dental bridge. Before that, the crowns and the false teeth will be bonded together to create one unit. After that, the fixed bridge is affixed in place and becomes a permanent structure. This bridge cannot be removed after it is anchored.
Resin-Bonded Bridge
The false teeth used in a bonded bridge is attached to metal bands, which are bonded to nearby teeth, and no crowns are used in this procedure. A bonded bridge might be used in your case if the missing teeth space is in the front of your mouth. Dental professionals explain that this procedure is ideal for the location, since less stress is involved in the front of your mouth. The metal bands remain hidden behind the teeth. You should discuss any concerns that you may have about a bonded bridge, since it is not as secure as a fixed bridge, according to dental experts.
A Cantilever Bridge
A cantilever bridge is created for you when you have only one natural tooth to which a bridge can be attached. The bridge is bonded to the side of that natural tooth, which will accommodate the false tooth that is to be attached to it.
Cost Of Dental Bridges
Costs of dental bridges vary depending upon the state and area you live in the United States. The costs also vary depending on the type of procedure you have performed. Dental insurance will generally pay a portion of your bill. Be mindful though that dental plans allow only a certain amount of payment annually. Discuss the costs with your dentist and then inform your insurance company before having the procedure done.
For more information, contact Katz Family Dentistry PC or a similar