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Helping Your Child Cope With Dentist Visits

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Your child's first visits to the dentist's office can be a scary phenomenon. Remember that children are often times scared of the unknown and that such experiences can be startling, or even horrifying, to children. Throughout this brief guide, you will learn about a few tips that can help your child cope with his or her first visits to the dentist's office.


Giving your child a chance to sample the situation of being in a dentist's office is a truly priceless affair. It will give them some approximation of the experience before having to step foot into the office itself. Simply have your child sit down in a chair and grab a toothbrush. Have your child open his or her mouth and then count their teeth. Don't go into too much detail – his or her pediatric dentist won't. Don't bother naming specific instruments and be as general as possible about any questions that your child asks during the roleplaying experience. Afterwards, let your child use the toothbrush on a stuffed animal of his or her liking to demonstrate that he or she knows how to brush their own teeth.

Start At A Young Age

The younger your child is when they begin going to a dentist's office, the easier the experience will be. It is best to think of your child's dentist office as a home away from home, of sorts. The earlier that he or she gets used to their oral hygiene home, and those that inhabit it – especially their pediatric dentist – the easier the experience will be. There are one of two signs that your child should begin visiting the dentist office, and you should go when whichever happens first. Generally, these things are when your child turns one year old or when they develop their first tooth.

Watch What You Say

You should marshal the words that you use when talking about the dentist's office with your child, especially when you're discussing pain. Never use words associated with "pain." Try to minimize discussion regarding pain or try to divert the conversation when it comes up. There are very few dental procedures that result in pain or even discomfort, so keep this in mind.

Your child's first visits to a dentist's office need not be anxiety inducing. Hopefully, this brief guide has given you some idea of how to help your child cope with the experience of visiting the dentist's office. For more ideas, talk to a professional like Plymouth Valley Dental Group.
