Three Tips For Safe And Effective Flossing After A Composite Resin Treatment
Getting a composite resin mix of glass, plastic, and other materials applied to your cracked tooth is a great way to restore your smile without spending a lot of money. But as with any artificial insert in your mouth, protecting it from decay and breakdown over the long term is going to require some special thought. To ensure that your flossing sessions are both safe and effective in relation to the composite resin, remember these three tips.
Cut Off A Long String And Start On The Resin Area First
Always cut off a long string from your floss package so that you'll have plenty of excess material to slide back and forth through your teeth. A short piece of floss will collect gunk all over it much faster than a longer piece will, decreasing its effectiveness.
Since resin applied to a crack is never going to be quite as secure from problems as regular enamel, it also makes sense to start your work on any area touched by it first. This way, the string has no chance to develop any tears beforehand. When you're able to swing a clean and straight string back and forth without any unnecessary resistance, even very dry and stubborn plaque spots are bound to get shaken up.
Pull Out Floss Horizontally
Since it's a slightly quicker and more natural motion, you might have a tendency to only move your floss vertically over your teeth instead of horizontally. But if you really want to pick up all the plaque and bacteria you can, you need to do more than just give a passing swipe over a particular tooth section.
Additionally, putting a lot of pressure on the tight space between a tooth and your resin restoration through jerky vertical movement could cause the resin to come unbound from the crack over time. Instead, wrap the floss horizontally around the tooth in question and gently pull your hands away from and back toward your mouth in a controlled and continuous motion.
Consult Your Dentist If The Floss Ever Gets Stuck On The Restored Area
Any structural blemish you discover on the resin needs to be addressed quickly before it gets worse and threatens the whole tooth. Whenever you find that your floss gets stuck on a part of the resin and you can't pull it out without applying a lot of force, use a dental mirror to inspect the area. If you find some piece of debris stuck between your teeth, remove it and try using your floss again. If the problem persists, or if you didn't find anything with your mirror, consult your dentist about possible cracks or scars on the resin.
For more information and tips, contact a local dental clinic like A Q Denture Services.