Good Oral Heath Is Important for People of All Ages

Start Them Young: 4 Tips To Keep Your Kids Teeth And Gums Healthy

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If you’ve got kids, you want them to stay as healthy as possible. Part of that health includes their teeth. You might not realize it, but dental problems – such as gum disease – can lead to serious health problems later. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to help keep your kids teeth and gums healthy. Here four of those steps. Start Them Early It’s never too early to get your kids started on the path to good oral hygiene. Read More»

Questions About Dental Crowns Many People Ask

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If you have a damaged or broken tooth, the dentist, such as Serene Smiles Dentistry, may want to put a crown on it. Before you go ahead and approve the treatment you may want to learn more about crowns, what exactly they are, how they are put on, and any other information you will feel is important for you to know ahead of time. This article will serve as a helpful FAQ guide you can use to further your knowledge of dental crowns. Read More»

Worried About Gum Disease? 4 Easy Methods To Keep Your Teeth And Gums Healthy

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If you’re worried about gum disease, you should be. Gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults. Not only that, but if left untreated, gum disease can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and strokes. Luckily, gum disease doesn’t have to cause tooth loss. Here are four steps you can take to prevent gum disease. Don’t Let Your Toothbrush Wear Out If you’re brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day, you’re on the right track to preventing premature tooth loss associated with gum disease. Read More»

Food Properties That Contribute To A Healthy Smile

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If stains are giving your teeth a dull and lackluster appearance, there are ways to brighten them naturally. Certain foods have properties that help remove stains and plaque from your teeth to keep them healthier and looking whiter. Therefore, it’s important to include foods in your diet that contain these beneficial properties, especially in conjunction with professional teeth whitening for more serious cases. Malic Acid The malic acid in fruits like grapes, strawberries, and apples keep your teeth whiter and brighter by naturally removing plaque and surface stains from tooth enamel. Read More»

Debunking 2 Myths About Dental Implants

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Many people see a missing tooth as a major dental problem that needs correcting. Not only is it a cosmetic issue that can cause embarrassment, but a missing tooth can cause problems with shifting teeth and deteriorating jawbone. A dental implant is a great way to fix a missing tooth, but there are myths associated with the procedure that may dissuade you from getting it done. Here is what you need to know about these two myths regarding dental implants. Read More»