Good Oral Heath Is Important for People of All Ages

Helping Your Child Cope With Dentist Visits

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Your child’s first visits to the dentist’s office can be a scary phenomenon. Remember that children are often times scared of the unknown and that such experiences can be startling, or even horrifying, to children. Throughout this brief guide, you will learn about a few tips that can help your child cope with his or her first visits to the dentist’s office. Roleplaying Giving your child a chance to sample the situation of being in a dentist’s office is a truly priceless affair. Read More»

3 Ways To Prevent Acid Damage To The Teeth

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For those who suffer from regular acid reflux that causes acid to get into the mouth, it can result in the gradual wearing out of the teeth. These issues, including heartburn, can cause the tooth enamel to eventually wear away. Enamel cannot be grown back no matter what efforts you or the dentist makes. This can result in pain and decay in the teeth. It can also eventually make the teeth become completely irregular in shape and size. Read More»

What Are Your Dental Whitening Options If You Already Have Crowns Or Veneers?

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If you’ve already made the investment in dental crowns or veneers to help improve the appearance of your smile, you may be dismayed when continued use of coffee, tea, or soda begins to discolor the surface of your teeth. However, the porcelain or ceramic from which veneers are crafted often aren’t well-suited to most dental whitening treatments used on your natural teeth. What are your whitening options if your discolored teeth aren’t your own? Read More»

2 Replacement Options For A Missing Tooth

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Most people do not plan to lose a tooth. It may be knocked out inadvertently during a ball game, or a tooth may require extraction due to a severe deep cavity. Nevertheless, regardless of the reason that a tooth is lost, there are replacement options available. Here are two of them: Dental Bridge A dental bridge is a tooth replacement option that includes two dental crowns attached to the base of the bridge. Read More»

3 Natural Teeth Whiteners

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Almost everyone wants white teeth. However, some people may not know that there are natural products available to help improve the whitest of their teeth, and some of these products may already be on your kitchen shelf. Here are a few natural products that can help improve the color of your teeth: Strawberries Some dental discoloration is due to the presence of plaque on the teeth. Strawberries contain vitamin C and malic acid that helps dissolve and remove dental plaque. Read More»