Good Oral Heath Is Important for People of All Ages

The 4 Top Benefits Of A Dental Crown

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If your dentist has suggested a dental crown for one or more of your teeth, you might find yourself wondering whether that is the best option for you - after all, there is always the option of extracting the troubled tooth. To help figure out whether you personally want a dental crown, you will want to review the following four benefits: It Can Hold Together A Cracked Tooth Not all teeth that are cracked have to be extracted. Read More»

5 Common Dental Habits To Avoid

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Taking good care of your teeth and gums can prevent a lot of oral health problems such as gum disease and tooth decay. However, even if you brush and floss every day and avoid smoking tobacco, you could still be doing things that can damage your oral health. Here are five common dental habits you have to avoid. Grinding Your Teeth Whether you grind your teeth on occasion or on a daily basis, it is a very harmful habit. Read More»

Self Help for Dental Phobias

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Whether it was a bad experience from the past or a general fear of the situation, dental phobias can cause untold misery and poor health.  A phobia is a fear that has become overwhelming to you. While anxiety about certain situations are common, when that fear becomes debilitating it becomes a phobia. Having a phobia is actually pretty common, so please know that you are not alone and you are not crazy. Read More»

The Four Types Of Dental Implants

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Dental implants are artificial roots that are placed in your gums that are used to hold onto false teeth. They are most commonly made out of titanium, which is immune to corrosion and is extremely strong. There are four main types of dental implants, but they do not offer different features over each other. Instead, the different types of dental implants are used depending on the strength and health of your jawbone, which your dentist will assess before installing the implant. Read More»

3 Ways Technology Is Making Trips To The Dentist Faster & More Enjoyable

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Thanks to advances in engineering and technology, visiting the dentist is not only a much quicker ordeal than it has been in recent years, but also a much more enjoyable one. With the advent of computer aided drafting and machining, and the increasing popularity of laser use over more conventional dental tools like drills, patients are not only experiencing less stress, but also minimizing the time spent at the dentist’s office. Read More»