Good Oral Heath Is Important for People of All Ages

3 Natural Teeth Whiteners

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Almost everyone wants white teeth. However, some people may not know that there are natural products available to help improve the whitest of their teeth, and some of these products may already be on your kitchen shelf. Here are a few natural products that can help improve the color of your teeth: Strawberries Some dental discoloration is due to the presence of plaque on the teeth. Strawberries contain vitamin C and malic acid that helps dissolve and remove dental plaque. Read More»

Pain Relief Tips For After Your Multi-Tooth Root Canals

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If you have recently booked an appointment to have root canals performed on a couple of your teeth, then you need to stock-up on a few items to ensure that your recovery at home afterwards is as comfortable as possible. While having root canals on multiple teeth at once reduces the number of appointments you will need to have at your dentist’s office, your mouth very well may experience some added discomfort from work done in multiple areas at one time. Read More»

3 Answers To Common Questions About Pocket Depth Reduction

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It has become fairly common knowledge that the health of your gums plays a huge role in the health of your teeth. Yet few people have a thorough understanding of the various procedures that can be used to help maintain your gums. If you would like to increase your knowledge of periodontal health, read on. This article will answer three of the most common questions about the procedure known as pocket depth reduction. Read More»

2 Common Clear Braces Concerns

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In order for you to have a beautiful smile, it is critical for your teeth to be as straight as possible. Unfortunately, many adults may not have had the benefits of orthodontic treatments when they were children. If this applies to you, braces may be something that you are considering, but if you are not well-informed about these treatments, you may find deciding whether this is a good option for you is difficult. Read More»

Wisdom Teeth Care & Signs That You Need Them Removed

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Common knowledge regarding wisdom teeth is that they should be removed before they cause an infection or pain. But some dentists are starting to doubt that need, saying you might be able to keep your wisdom teeth with proper care and the watchful eye of your dentist. The following guide will show you how to care for your wisdom teeth and signs that it might be too late.  Wisdom Teeth Care Read More»