Good Oral Heath Is Important for People of All Ages

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3 Questions You Must Ask Your Dentist Before Treatment

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Do you have issues with your teeth and are finally able to fix them? Have you finally gotten good dental insurance but you’re not sure where to even begin with your new dentist? Getting the teeth that you’ve always dreamed about is a worthy accomplishment, but the journey isn’t always an easy one.  Knowing what questions to ask your dentist can certainly help ease the confusion that you may be feeling right now. Read More»

Infected Gums: Know The Dangers

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Infections can appear anywhere in the body and like most, dental infections can be mild or they can be extremely dangerous. When an infection appears in the gum area, it is known as an abscess. Abscesses can be both uncomfortable and more harmful than they might at first appear. Read on to learn more so that you can be prepared for this common condition and know what to do. Do You Have an Abscess? Read More»

4 Potential Reasons Why The Roof Of Your Mouth Hurts

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Many people only think of visiting the dentist for treatment when the problem involves the teeth. However, the dentist treats the entire mouth, including the roof. Also known as the palate, the roof of the mouth is prone to a few different conditions that cause pain and inflammation. If you’re wondering why the roof of your mouth keeps hurting, see your dentist to rule out these four conditions. Various Sores Read More»

Ways Dentists Close Gaps Between The Teeth

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Living with a gap between your two front teeth might be something you have always despised about your smile, but you do not have to live like this. If you visit a cosmetic dentist, he or she could fix this problem for you, and there are multiple different ways dentists can do this. Here are three of the top methods dentists use for closing gaps between teeth. Dental bonding The first option you could choose is dental bonding, and this is typically the most cost-effective option available for fixing a gap. Read More»

How To Find A Dentist Offering A Payment Plan

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Anyone living without dental insurance knows all too well that paying out of pocket for even a routine cleaning is often a costly affair. Combine a lack of insurance with a low or unsteady income, and you may think that it’s impossible to see a dentist. However, visiting a dental clinic that accepts or offers payment plans is often the best way to finance essential care and maintain good health. Use these four tricks if you’re having a hard time finding a dentist offering this kind of payment option in your area. Read More»

The Most Common Causes Of Crooked Teeth After Childhood Braces

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If you had braces as a child, your parents or guardians probably did it to ensure that you’d have a straight and pleasing-looking smile in the future. Unfortunately, teeth don’t always stay that way after children have had braces. While your teeth once looked great, you may have noticed that there’s some crowding, shifting, or crookedness to some of your teeth now. If you’re wondering how this happened, here are three of the most common causes. Read More»

How To Whiten Your Teeth When You Have Sensitive Gums

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Having your teeth whitened can boost your self-confidence and improve your appearance, but it’s not easy for everyone. If your gums are sensitive, sore, or have other problems, whitening your teeth can be tough. If you want white teeth but are tired of dealing with the discomfort whitening your teeth can bring your gums, follow these steps. Gum Care The first thing on your list should be to visit a dentist to get your gums taken care of. Read More»

When Should You Take A Child To The Dentist For The First Time?

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As your newborn child begins to grow, he or she will begin getting teeth around the age of six months. When this happens, you might wonder when you should bring the child in for his or her first dental visit. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends doing this as soon as the child’s first tooth comes through; however, many dentists recommend waiting until the child is around one or two years old. Read More»

Stone Age, Not Space Age: Dental Appliances That Are Older Than You Think

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With the wonders of modern technology bleeding into the health sector, it can be easy to get caught up in the newest technology available — especially in the world of dentistry, with laser dentistry and 3D-printed teeth becoming more and more popular. But just because technology is better in the modern age doesn’t mean that all of the currently used dental appliances originated after the moon landing. Here are a few dental appliances that are actually much older than you’d think. Read More»

Getting Veneer? Know How To Care For Them

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Your new dental veneers will do an amazing job at helping your smile look white and stunning. You’ll want to keep them looking that way for as long as possible, which means taking good care of the veneers over the years. Here are a few tips that can help you do it. Treat Veneers Like Natural Teeth Even with a full set of dental veneers, it’s very important to continue to floss, brush, and rinse with mouthwash regularly. Read More»